Activity Date: Activity Expired
Start Time: 09:00 AM
Week Days: Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , Sunday
Time Zone:
Duration of Activity: 60 Minutes
People make career pivots for many reasons including to raise children, care for a loved one, or move into a new career due to changing interests or job market. Whatever the reason for your pivot, consider:
There is no such thing as losing your mojo, you are simply gaining a different type of mojo when you pivot.
Break expectations of the typical career path for things that are important to you.
Outsource responsibilities that you don’t want to do.
Regain your confidence in work by getting back in and trying – sometimes failing and often succeeding.
Like never forgetting how to ride a bike, it just takes a bit of warming up to get back in the gears – you might find that you are faster or stronger because you came off for awhile.
Consider sharpening another skill-set that you didn’t even know you had.
#ShaketheShame of making decisions that are right for you.
Let people know why you did what you did and what you are bringing to the table because of it.
Choose where you are going to put your effort and your skills and that is where they will develop.
Don’t worry about how you look, worry about what the experience is teaching you.
No matter what you do, your skills are always transferable.
If you don’t take that time to explore, your life becomes a series of “What Ifs?” and “Woulda, Coulda, Should as.” Consider positive questions like, “What if I weren’t afraid?”