60 Minutes Virtual Ongoing activity Python With Turtle Graphics on Weekdays- Monthly Membership for 9 to 16 Years
$ 125

Activity Date: Activity Expired

Start Time: 05:00 PM

Week Days: Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday

Time Zone: PST

Duration of Activity: 60 Minutes

Add Quantity
Location: Virtual

Simple Geometry Shapes

Coordinates and Main color commands

Main Circle Commands

More Color Geometry

Turtle Shapes

Graphics with For Loop

Graphics with Number and variables

Graphics with logical operators, conditional statement and while loops

Strings, list(if done, else can ignore)

Random numbers


Multiple turtles

Upload image 

Animation with inserted images

Mouse and keyboard control

Keyboard control more

Mouse and keyboard control more

No complicated contracts or hidden fees – $125 Every Month for 60mins lesson per week. You will be charged every month, unless cancelled


Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, Fri

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm PDT (7:00 pm - 8:00 pm CDT)

6:00 pm - 7:00 pm PDT (8:00 pm - 9:00 pm CDT)

Example: If you choose Monday at 5pm Pst, then all sessions will occur on Mondays at 5pm Pst

Requirements / Pre-Requisite:


How it Works:

Select Date and time, then Click “BOOK NOW” and follow the prompts to pay. After the purchase, you will receive a purchase confirmation.

Refund Policy:

No Refund until notified 30 days before class


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